Thursday, August 16, 2007

Create Simple Household Cleaners

I remember that commercial a few years back (they may still play it) about the lady who goes shopping and gets a cart full of cleaners when she could have just purchase one cleaner that does it all. I thought it was really cool at the time, until I had to start cleaning my own home. Not only is there no such thing as a cleaner that does it all, it is difficult to find a commercial cleaner that cleans what it says it does. Cleaning was not as simple as they made it seem.

I was always amazed at how my Grandma made cleaning look easy. One thing I wish I had learned from her was.... how she had cleaning rags that stayed white no matter how long she had used them. The only way I have ever found to keep my cleaning rags white is to keep them in the package and never used them. Is there something she had in her cupboard that I wasn’t aware of? What was Grandma's secret to cleaning?

I went on a quest to find some old fashioned cleaning techniques when I ran into a great article. The article is titled: “Making the right choice”. It offers a list of household items and how they can be applied to cleaning, plus they also list by living area and what household cleaning products you can use to clean that area. Did you know that “Cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate). This common baking ingredient is a mild acid that can be used as a sink and bathtub stain remover. It can also be used to remove spots from aluminum cookware.” ? If you didn’t then you should really go and check the website out. Maybe Grandma's secret is out!

If you have an idea about how to keep my cleaning rags looking white without using a bucket of bleach (doesn’t work)…. Please clue me in!

Get Clean...... Household Cleaners

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