Monday, August 13, 2007

How to Deal with Creepy People

The founder of Perverted Justice (an online organization aimed at capturing internet perverts) has a new website for teenagers. launched in July 2007 and offers teenagers help when dealing with creepy people. They offer advice for a variety of situations including online bullying, stalking, sexual harrasment and other "creepy" situations. The site aims to teach you how to protect your identity and give you update information about where to go to report a situation.

On the sites FAQ page there is a question that reads:
"What's the point of this site?
To create a website that serves as a resource for teenagers, containing accurate information, practical suggestions, and (we hope) helpful advice."

The site states that it is designed for teenagers, I can't help but think that a lot of this information is useful for most of us.

If you are a parent, don't forget to check out and read up on the section about "what parents can do".

Find out now .... "How to Deal with Creepy People"

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